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Company Registration

Kat Consultants provides company registration services for Private Limited, SMC Private Limited, and Public Limited companies, along with expert guidance to help clients choose the ideal business structure.

FBR Tax Returns

Kat Consultants offers professional services for Income Tax returns, Sales Tax returns, and PRA returns.

PSEB Certificate Registration

Kat Consultants provide PSEB Registration certificate services to IT Companies, Call Centers, Freelancers and other business.

Pakistan Engineering Council

Kat consultants will provide you registration certificate with Pakistan Engineering Coucil PEC.

IP White Listing

Kat Consultant Provide IP White listing services with Pakistan Telecommunication Authority.

Trade Mark Registation

Kat Consultants offers Trade Mark registration and brand copyright protection services to help secure your business identity.

Lahore Chamber of Commerce

Kat Consultants Provide registration services of Lahore Chamber of Commerce.

Book keeping Services

Kat Consultants Provide you Bookkeeping services for your business according to the custmise demand and need.